6 months later…
Lessons learned so far this year.
So I stumbled across an article titled Disappear for 6 Months and Watch It Change Your Life - Here’s How. (link here:https://timdenning.com/disappear-for-6-months/)
The basic premise is to take a break from your routine and try new things or revisit old ones. I’ll touch on some of the key takeaways.
Attend live events. I have been pretty good about attending live events in the past, but mainly local events. This year, I made it a point to fly out to more events or gatherings. It probably started with attending the Leica Meat Packing District Grand Opening in NYC, which is still one of the funniest and most inspiring moments thus far.
This led to the next takeaway: directly messaging people as much as possible. Today, we have the ability to strike up conversations with people from all over the planet. These conversations have led to great ideas, opportunities, and inspiration.
I also want to touch on a point he makes on reading. More importantly, read types of books you don’t already have on your bookshelf, which he calls “unconventional books.” This one alone was super interesting; at first, I must admit I struggled to get through my first book, but I placed the blame more on setting a routine than the book itself. I love telling people about the books I am currently reading to see the look on their faces. Check out “Outwitting The Devil” (https://www.naphill.org/shop/books/hardcover/outwitting-the-devil-pb/ ) this one is out there.
So, even though I haven't been completely off the grid for the first part of the year, I have been trying to do things differently.
Quick recap from my lessons learned:
Look for events outside your area and attend them
Meet people in person, and get inspired
Don’t be afraid to reach out to people you find interesting
Pick up a book outside of your norm.
Remember always have fun.