Do you need to travel for good photos?
Where to begin? Can a city like San Antonio provide opportunities to create good work?
Being raised in New york city and having lived and traveled all around the world, a place like a san Antonio can be an easy excuse for why you can’t produce good work. Making you wonder if you need to travel more.
But in reality, it has proven that you must work harder and be more creative. That has forced me to step outside my comfort zone (a good thing), pushing my photographic eye to explore other possibilities. After posting this shot on my Instagram, I knew instantly that this would be the shoot to prove that the photographs are out there.
The fear is stepping outside your niche or what you are known for and coming up short. But too often have I heard that you must be willing to fail.
This image was taken yesterday here in San Antonio, and it is my best work so far, and I did not travel to another part of the world; I needed to look a little harder. So if you have ever heard the saying, “Don't be afraid to fail,” this might be what they were talking about.